The Mentor RG is a 1RU signal sync, test and clock generator for SDI and IP-based mixed environments. It provides IEEE-1588 PTP references alongside more traditional Black Burst and Tri-Level sync signals. The signal reference generator references a GPS antenna system to establish timecode, which is then passed on to the mission-critical automation system. Two Mentor RG generators and a changeover are used for redundancy to assure accurate reference signals.
Utilizing GPS provides an extremely stable and robust method for accurately locking multiple SPGs and also for governing the unit’s LTC, VITC and NTP outputs. Accurate GPS referencing is managed by the Mentor RG internal receiver module, or by locking to an external source of 1pps and NMEA serial data. All SD and HD reference and test signals are generated simultaneously for both 525 and 625 standards, with independent timing control for all outputs to meet the most demanding requirements.
The Mentor RG pays special attention to multiple audio generators assignable for AES audio and DARS; embedded audio in the SD/HD channels; Wordclock; and Analog stereo audio. Up to ten Tri-Level Sync outputs for all 720 and 1080 standards. Two TLS outputs come as standard in the base unit and two option cards can bring this to ten. Tri-level sync is the analog video sync pulse which is typically used for the locking of HD video signals and preferred in HD environments over black and burst.
Intuitive front panel controls allow immediate access to all important settings while Vector Editor software offers in-depth management of all parameters from any network connected location in your organization.
Key Benefits:
In addition to the standard features found in the base unit, Mentor RG has positions for 3 option boards, nominally assigned as:
If no GPS board is fitted, up to 3 TLS or HD boards may be configured in any combination.
Audio Test
Adds independent audio tone generators for analogue, AES and embedded SDI outputs. Sample rate, amplitude and audio frequency are all selectable, with the option of interrupted tone for channel identification.
Video Test
Allows any of the 5 analogue and 3 SDI outputs to be individually configured from a comprehensive range of test signals:
Customer defined logos may be imported and positioned in any test signal to match corporate branding requirements.
HD Test
The HD test enables any of the base units 3 SDI or Black outputs to be independently configured for HD test signals.
Full Field Test
As standard, this feature provides the FUBK pattern in all video formats. Other test patterns may be imported and stored in bitmap format for custom testing applications.
Dual LTC outputs together with VITC / DVITC may be locked to the optional GPS receiver or to NTP. In picture timecode may also be optionally displayed in any test signal.
Network Time Protocol (NTP)
The NTP Server option allows the Mentor RG to act as a highly accurate and stable source of time for other broadcast equipment, whilst the client option may be used to lock a ‘Slave’ SPG to a ‘Master’.
Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
The PTP Server option allows the Mentor RG to act as a highly accurate and stable source of time for AES67 or DANTE IP networks. The user has the option to be a PTP master clock or slave.
This provides remote monitoring of power supplies, lock status and presence of external reference inputs using SNMP network monitoring standards.
360-00-07: Mentor RG Signal Reference and Test Signal Generator
360-09-05: Mentor RG Redundant Power Supply Module
360-16-01-RG: Mentor RG Tri-Level Sync Board
360-20-00: Mentor RG HD-SDI Output Board
360-15-12: Mentor RG Time Reference GPS Board